Why Agile Methodology is still trending?

Why Agile Methodology is Still Stronger, Faster, and Advanced Software Development process?


Like any other project, software development projects must be effective and result-driven. It's no secret that software development is one of the most difficult and complex tasks that has ever existed, and in order to do it correctly, one must adhere to certain methodologies and processes that ensure the project runs smoothly and results in a functional project.

Important Roles in Agile Methodology


The user or customer is always at the center of an agile process. Today, we frequently define user personas to represent various workflow roles or types of customer needs and behaviors.

Product proprietor

The product owner is tasked with being the customer's voice, including any internal stakeholders. This individual distills insights, ideas, and feedback into a product vision. Product visions are frequently brief and straightforward, but they paint a picture of who the customer or user is, what values are addressed, and a strategy for addressing them.

Team of software developers

Teams should be multidisciplinary and comprise a diverse group of people with the necessary skills and backgrounds. Agile development teams should include, in addition to developers, quality assurance automation engineers, data engineers, user experience (UX) designers, and other roles depending on what type of software project.

Agile teams are focused on delivering working software, so they must complete end-to-end functional applications, system integration, and other deliverables that have an impact on users, not just technological components. Members of the team must agree on what they are creating, who is doing what, and how the software will be designed.

Other roles that are frequently assigned to agile teams include the following:

Team leads collaborate with the product owner on architecture, non-functional acceptance criteria, sequencing, dependencies, and other technology and security issues. Tech leads are responsible for a wide range of tasks, such as estimating stories and planning implementation details with the team.

Scrum masters frequently train new teams on agile processes, roles, and tools. Scrum master duties can include resolving roadblocks, reviewing approaches to increase the agile team's velocity, and grooming backlogs.

Business analysts collaborate with product owners. Analysts are frequently responsible for creating wireframes, documenting user stories, and reviewing test results. When software development teams are creating microservices and other technical products, business analysts are especially useful.

The Agile Manifesto's 12 Principles

1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.

3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to shorter timescale.

4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need and trust them to get the job done.

6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

10. Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential.

11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

What are the Advantages of Agile Methodology?

Improved Product Quality

Because testing is built into the Agile process, these regular updates ensure that the product is operational while it is being developed. It enables the team to address any issues and, if necessary, make changes. Continuous testing and bug fixes are critical to the final product's quality, as each release builds on previous functionality and is thoroughly tested for quality control

Increased Customer Satisfaction

The Agile methodology involves the product owner throughout the process, ensuring that they are fully aware of the progress being made. Seeing their vision come to life increases customer satisfaction significantly! Furthermore, well-managed Agile development means getting products to market faster.

Better Project Management

There is a high level of collaboration amongst the team and with the client as a result of the numerous opportunities for stakeholder and team engagement. Clients can be involved at every stage of the project, and the team will have a thorough understanding of the client's wants and needs.

Greater adaptability

The team can collaborate with each iteration to constantly fine-tune and prioritize each task. Some tasks can be scheduled for the next iteration, allowing the team to incorporate changes such as unexpected revisions.

Lower Risks

There is always a working product from the very first sprint. This essentially means that there can be no "failure." Having said that, consistent check-ins indicate dependability.

See how powerful Agile Methodology can be?

We use the Agile methodology at CPC Technologies for software development because it benefits our team while also providing many important business benefits to our clients. The system assists us in dealing with the most common project drawbacks in a controlled manner. We believe that using Agile is beneficial to both us and our clients.

Visit our website and contact us to learn more about CPC Technologies' process and how we can incorporate Agile methodology into your next project.

Call to Action

CPC Technologies can help you gain a competitive advantage with solutions to your unique and complex business needs. Utilize our ability to create agile and dependable custom software applications and solutions that help businesses accelerate their digital transformation journey through technology innovation, scalability, and agility.

As a leading custom software development company, our domain experts explain the client's perspectives and draft a strategic approach to optimizing each process of the software development life cycle. Our dynamic team of skilled software developers, architects, and project managers, combined with industry-driven experience, provides a solid foundation for developing agile custom software solutions with consistently high-quality results and dedicated QA practices that match specific business needs, budgets, and time frames.


Finally, agile procedures are best suited for and widely accepted by software development teams all over the world. Many developers see agile development as a method that has increased productivity in their work while imposing unnecessary burdens.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to develop your software product in the most up-to-date manner, agile methodology is the way to go.

Furthermore, CPC Technologies is one of the top software development firms that strictly adheres to an agile methodology in order to get the most out of a software development project.